
Crucial FX deliver the UK’s first ever (probably) anamorphic projection display to celebrate Eurovision.


Occasions don’t get much more momentous than Eurovision being hosted in your home city! We delivered an epic anamorphic projection mapped display to help the Museum of Liverpool celebrate this world-famous festival of music happening on their doorstep.

Utilising two sides of this uniquely designed building with two distinct projector locations, we created an artistic projection show with an anamorphic 3D effect visible with the naked eye.

Our graphics team were given complete creative freedom and designed an artistic spectacular that augmented the architecture of the building adding in a new window and exploring new worlds.

We managed all elements of the technical install including accurate mapping of the building, projection design, media server set up and programming.

See more on our case study page here

Sam Young
Sam is our Head of Projects and has delivered custom immersive installations and live event experiences all over the world. When you start exploring a partnership with Crucial FX, Sam is likely to be one of the first people you'll speak to.

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